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WPS Covid-19 Plan


Woodward Public Schools

COVID-19/Pandemic/Distance Learning Plan

● Limit the number of illnesses in our school and community
● Reduce the spread of communicable disease within school facilities
● Preserve continuity of essential school functions
● Minimize educational and social disruption
● Minimize economic and academic losses
● Maximize in person learning for all students
● Work with local and state health departments to coordinate pandemic plans

An Important Note: As COVID-19 and it’s variances have continued to spread and mutate, medical
professionals have issued ever-changing guidance and best practices based on the increasing amount
of data available. It is likely that schools’ plans will change according to the specific needs of their
communities along with the most up-to-date information available from local/county/state/federal
agencies and healthcare authorities. The WPS District Guiding Coalition will continue to monitor these
issues in an ongoing effort to stay current in their knowledge. Communicating as a team, and ongoing
communications with district employees and the community will be paramount to our overall success,
both logistically and academically.

Summary Overview

General Precautions and Protocols
● Social distancing when possible
● Daily Sanitizing/Cleaning
● Face coverings recommended (still mandated by federal order for public transportation)
● Contact tracing, isolations, and quarantines per current OSDH and CDC guidelines
● Ionization systems for improved air quality installed district-wide

Plan A: In-person school as usual with layered safety measures (sanitizing protocols, masks
recommended, minimize large groups gathering as much as possible). Practice virtual days and daily/regular
utilization of Google Classroom for grades PK-12.
*See “WPS School Safety Protocols”

Plan B: Mandated social distancing protocols from local/county/state health officials. PK-4 will go to an A/B
schedule with half of the students attending in the morning and half in the afternoon. Grades 5-12 will be on an
A/B schedule with half of the students attending in person Monday and Thursday with the other half attending
in person on Tuesday and Friday. Off days will be virtual, and all students (PK-12) will be virtual on
Wednesdays during which time the facilities will be thoroughly cleaned.
*See “WPS School Safety Protocols”


Plan C: Distance learning for all on Google Classroom based on intermittent closures (by site and/or
district-wide) per Health Department guidance.
*See “WPS School Safety Protocols”

Virtual and Blended Virtual programs will continue to be offered, now including students in grades K-12
using existing software platforms currently in use. This will be an application process that will run through the
student's school. Applications will be reviewed and approved by the site principal.

Intermittent/short-term distance learning will be offered on a case-by-case basis for individual students
utilizing Google Classroom. Students and parents will need to see the building principal for prior approval. For
example, if a student is required to self-quarantine due to exposure to COVID-19 (or other communicable
diseases), s/he may be allowed to continue participating in classroom instruction remotely. This would also
apply for a classroom, pod, or site. If a teacher is required to self-isolate or quarantine, s/he may be allowed to
deliver instruction remotely, if warranted and applicable.

Mobile devices and hotspots will be loaned out for remote learning; however, hotspot supplies may be

Woodward Child Nutrition staff and site principals will continue to work on contingency plans for safe Child
Nutrition practices in accordance with local Health Department officials.

Social Emotional Learning (SEL) will continue to be a priority, coordinated through AWARE staff and
focusing on monitoring and MTSS (Multi Tiered System of Supports)

TEAM Clinic telehealth will be offered in the district and facilitated by WPS school nurses.
Flu and strep tests will be available, as well as testing for COVID-19.

Employee Travel Guidelines
Employees need to exercise personal responsibility regarding travel plans and returning to work. Supervisors
(principals and directors) will screen employees returning from travel to determine whether or not the employee
needs to be self-quarantined and/or tested prior to returning to work.

Contact Tracing

Staff have attended the Johns Hopkins University free online Contact Tracing course, including the school
nurses, Director of Operations, and principals. Contact trace investigators will work closely with local county
Health Department staff to stay up-to-date on contact tracing protocols and quarantine and isolation rules.


Specific Planning and Execution Guidelines

Daily Safety Protocols
● Masks/facial coverings recommended for all staff and students (required for bus riders and drivers -
drivers may lower their mask in transit if a small fan is available to blow air toward them).
● Hand sanitizer will be available in classrooms and common areas, as well as primary entrances to all buildings.
● Sanitizing kits will be provided for each classroom.
● Hand soap available in all restrooms/classroom sinks for handwashing (touchless paper towel
dispensers have been ordered to replace all existing dispensers).
● Additional electrostatic Victory sprayers have been ordered as well as manual pump sprayers to
facilitate applying liquid sanitizer at all sites, as well as athletics and transportation.
● Bottle fill stations should be utilized, not traditional drinking fountains. Students are encouraged to bring
their own water containers. WPS is working to continue replacement of traditional drinking fountains
with bottle fill stations.

Leadership and Parent/Community Communications
● Each building principal will report to the Superintendent of Woodward Public Schools if a positive
Covid-19 case has been confirmed. It is important school officials have confirmation from county or
state health authorities regarding a positive case.

○ Here's helpful information to know about COVID-19 testing from health authorities:
  ■ If your district receives a report of a positive case, immediately notify your county health department.
  ■ When a person is tested for COVID-19, immediate results aren't available. Results may be lab-confirmed, which takes at least               24 hours once a test is received at a lab. Rapid testing is available locally as well.
  ■ When a positive test is confirmed, state or county health officials interview the person who tested positive for "contact tracing" to         determine if anyone was exposed or needs to take precautions. WPS contact trace certified staff will coordinate directly with the           local/county health department.
  ■ Health officials (county or state) then make notifications, including whether any contacts need to quarantine, isolate, or in the case       of a business or organization, to close.
  ■ Transparency is important. However, so is accuracy and confidentiality. Confirm any reports with county health officials before               issuing any communications.

● See CDC guidelines for Preparing for When Someone Gets Sick
● Superintendent and/or Central Office Staff will contact the following if there is a positive case in the
     ○ Board members will be notified by Superintendent
     ○ Woodward County Health Department - (580) 256-6416
     ○ Woodward County Emergency Management - 580-254-0896
● All communication will come through the central office

● District
     ○ School Messenger
     ○ SchoolStatus
     ○ Facebook Page/Twitter/Instagram
     ○ District Website
● Building Sites
     ○ SchoolStatus
     ○ Websites
     ○ Social media accounts
● Update FAQs for Website

*The Superintendent of Schools has the authority to make modifications to this plan as needed based on the prevailing conditions and guidance from local and county health officials.


Wellness Education
● With the current vaccination availability, WPS highly recommends that everyone get vaccinated when the vaccinations become available for your age group.        
● Prevention posters will be placed around school buildings, including, gyms, cafeteria, bathrooms, and classrooms.
● The district will conduct training for teachers and students on common preventative measures for COVID-19 prevention including
○ Washing hands with soap for at least 20 seconds
○ Avoiding touching eyes, nose, and mouth
○ Covering coughs and sneezes with tissues and throwing away tissues
○ Avoiding contact with others when sick
● Mental Health
○ Tiered Response and Intervention Strategies (MHIT: Mental Health Intervention Team)
○ Efforts Coordinated by Project AWARE staff

Environmental Cleaning and Disinfection
● The District has placed disinfectant materials around the school for students and teachers to use, including in classrooms, computers labs, and bathrooms.  Han sanitizer will be available in all common areas and classrooms throughout the district.
● The District has adequately equipped maintenance and cleaning staff with personal protective equipment that is appropriate for the cleaning products used.
○ If supplies are needed custodians are to follow the ordering procedure as follows:
■ Custodial Closet
■ Ordering:
1. Supplies will be ordered from the Central Office Warehouse. Items needed should be written down and turned into the building principal.  A description of the item should be included.
2. When supplies come in they will be inventoried and stored at the Warehouse at the Central Office.

● The District has a process for cleaning surfaces at least once a day, including desks, doorknobs, cafeteria tables, and bathroom counters.  All WPS staff and students will play a role in maintaining cleanliness and santizing.          

● If a person suspected/confirmed to have COVID-19 has been in the facility, the District should close off areas used by the ill persons and wait as long as practical before beginning cleaning and disinfection. Areas should have outside doors and windows open before disinfection.  If possible, the CDC suggest waiting 24 hours before beginning the cleaning and disinfection process.            

Mitigation Strategies
Student safety precautions
○ For PK-2nd Grade students extra vigilance in hand hygiene, cohorting and spending time outside when weather permits will mitigate social distancing challenges for this age range of students.
○ Students in 3rd - 12th grade will be encouraged to wear a facial covering when possible,especially when social distancing is not feasible (classrooms, hallways during passing times, etc).
○ Cohorting PK-5th grade students will help facilitate contact tracing when necessary
● Buses and Facilities will be sprayed with victory sprayers each evening by custodial staff and bus drivers (buses after each route).
● Students will be educated on physical distancing, washing hands, and proper hygiene.

Bus Routes:
○ Parents are encouraged to utilize other means of transportation for getting their children to and from school if possible as social distancing on buses is nearly impossible.
○ Students riding the bus will be required to wear a facial covering until further notice. Drivers will also be required to wear a facial covering (which the district will provide)
● Large gatherings and assemblies will be suspended as circumstances dictate
● Visitors to the buildings will be limited as much as possible; those admitted inside the building may be screened and requested to wear a facial covering, contingent upon local conditions and community spread.

○ Physical Distancing will be utilized where possible
○ Face coverings are highly recommended for staff and students to mitigate situations where social distancing is not possible.
○ Where possible teachers rotate, not students (pull outs/push-ins)
○ Staggered schedules may be implemented to for passing times for social distancing as much as possible
○ All teachers need to maintain accurate seating charts to facilitate contact tracing when needed

Counseling Services
○ ICAP - check-in with students through class meets to monitor progress, goals, and welfare.
○ Make contact through phone calls or emails to document progress.
○ District Counselors work with Mrs. Williams on Food Backpack distribution

Sports Venues:
○ Sanitizing and cleaning facilities

○ Screening student-athletes
○ Physical Distance where possible/where mandated

○ Employees unable to attend work because of vulnerability to COVID-19 (FFCRA:
○ Teacher requests to instruct remotely due to isolation/quarantine will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
○ Employees who choose to travel out of state shall be screened by their supervisor (principal, director, etc.). Screening questionnaire here.
○ After screening, the employee may be required to self-quarantine for fourteen (14) days upon arrival home. Employees are required to use their sick leave, annual leave, or personal leave and cannot request leave from the Catastrophic Leave bank.
○ If you must travel please check the CDC Guidelines for traveling:

School Closure
● If a positive case has been confirmed, the superintendent or designee will determine the number of days the classroom, pod, hallway, site, or sites will be closed in the district. State and local health authorities will be consulted in making this decision based on contact tracing and social distancing limitations.
○ Principals or Administrative designees will send out communication from their site.
● If an extended school closure is necessary, the administrative team will communicate the following to staff and the community:

Distance Learning Plan
■ Review and revise current plans. Grading, Attendance, Etc...
■ Google Classroom to be utilized daily to facilitate distance learning and intermittent virtual students.
■ Ensuring equity regarding Device Checkout/Check-in/Insurance so every student has access to a device and internet connectivity.

Food Service
■ Coordinate Meal Delivery with Mrs. Fairless
■ Maintenance vehicles/buses prepare for meal delivery

Staffing Assignments
■ Essential Employees - Site Administrators, Custodians, Secretaries, Transportation(Director and Bus Drivers), Food Service, Paraprofessionals, Library Aides, Computer Aides.

Building Hours
■ To be determined at the time of the extended closing

Student Awards, Assemblies, Graduation
■ Local, state, and federal guidance will be used in conjunction with input from our families and students. Input from students and families will be gathered from surveys and/or virtual meetings. 

Virtual and Blended Learning
■ options will be available for full virtual or blended learning for grades K-12.

Social Distancing Plan
○ If local/state health officials determine that WPS must implement social distancing in the facilities, the following plans will be activated (*no early release on Mondays):

● A/B Schedule 1⁄2 days; Group A attends the morning session and will receive lunch as they are leaving. Group B attends the afternoon session and will receive lunch as they arrive.
○ Concerns to be addressed: busing, sanitizing (facilities and buses), after school activities (e.g., Boomer ExStream)

■ A/B Schedule M/Th and T/F, Wednesday Virtual: Group A attends in person M/Th and virtually T/F; Group B attends in person T/F and virtually M/Th; all students will be virtual on Wednesday to allow for cleaning of the facilities.
● Concerns to be addressed: extracurricular activities (athletics, clubs), electives (band, vocal, debate), busing, sanitizing, meals for virtual students (CNP waivers in place that address feeding virtual students)


*The Superintendent of Schools has the authority to make modifications to this plan as needed based on the prevailing conditions and guidance from local and county health officials.

Woodward Athletic Department
Guidelines & Recommendations

Woodward Public School’s Athletic Department strives to continue to create athletic opportunities for our
students and community members while ensuring state health mandates are met, while creating a safe
environment for everyone to enjoy athletic events. With your cooperation in achieving our goal successfully,
these are the recommendations we will be implementing for our future athletic events:
● Mandatory masks at all indoor events, depending on the local circumstances and community spread.

● Masks are highly encouraged for outdoor events, but not mandatory until the OSDH color-coded map lists Woodward County as Orange Level 1.

● Social distancing of 6ft or more between other guests is highly encouraged.

● Cash payment will be encouraged to prevent the spread of germs.

● Temperature readings will be required at all event entries for participants when Woodward County is at Yellow Level or higher on the OSDH online color-coded map.

● Hand sanitizer stations will be provided at all entries and throughout the facilities.

Green - Masks are recommended but not required. Social distancing is encouraged.
Yellow - Masks are recommended but not required. Social distancing is encouraged.
Orange Level 1 - Mask required at all events, social distancing encouraged and when possible
Orange Level 2 - We can not host any events, but can travel to away contests.
Red - We can not host any events, but can travel to away contests.



*Approved by the Board of Education August 10, 2020

Revised and Approved by the BOE:
November 18, 2020
December 14, 2020
January 11, 2021
February 15, 2021
March 8, 2021
April 12, 2021
August 9, 2021

Reviewed - January 10, 2022, June 13, 2022, June 13, 2023, June 5th, 2024


*The Superintendent of Schools has the authority to make modifications to this plan as needed based on the prevailing conditions and guidance from local and county health officials.