to Woodward Public Schools
We are glad you are considering enrolling at Woodward Public Schools. We strive to be the best in Northwest Oklahoma. Online registration allows families who are new to Woodward the opportunity to register their children from the comfort of their own home. Please complete these forms online and bring your verification documents to the Woodward Enrollment Office, Woodward High School, 13th and Downs, to finalize your registration. Completing these forms online will expedite your wait time. If your child is currently a Woodward student you do not need to register. We will notify you when we do our Annual update through the parent portal.
All students new to Woodward and former students who have withdrawn from the district must complete enrollment. Students must be residents of Woodward District, living with a parent or legal guardian. Any student who has moved during the school year or summer must bring verification.
If you need assistance please contact the enrollment center by calling 580-256-6063 ext. 3458 or by email
Office Hours (Closed during school breaks: Thanksgiving, Christmas and Spring Break)
Monday – Thursday
8:30 a.m – 11:00 a.m
1:00 p.m – 3:00 p.m
8:30 a.m – 11:00 a.m
Items to Bring to Enrollment: These documents are REQUIRED
Birth Certificate: is required for all students (hospital certificates cannot be accepted). For pre-kindergarten, kindergarten and first grade, students must be 4, 5, or 6 years old on or before September 1. If you do not have your child’s birth certificate one can be ordered through Oklahoma Vital Records or US or Abroad Records.
Custody Documentation (if applicable) - Joint Custody Plan, DHS placement papers, or Court-Appointed Guardianship.
Proof of residence is required. Acceptable proof includes two of the following, one must be from the primary category and all the proof must be in the parents’ or legal guardians’ name.
Immunizations: For school enrollment, a parent or guardian shall provide one of the following: 1) Current, up-to-date immunization records; or 2) A completed and signed exemption form. Appointment for missing immunizations will not be accepted; all series must be completed at the time of enrollment. Exemption forms are available from the Enrollment Center.
Oklahoma Vaccines for Children Information
Oklahoma health services/Immunizations
Transcript & Withdraw Grades (official or unofficial) from previous school for students in grades 9-12; Withdrawal grades or last report card from previous school for grades 5-8; Elementary report card for grades K-4 is recommended.
Other Information - Parents'/legal guardians' photo ID; Tribal Citizenship card or a CDIB Card (Certified Degree of Indian Blood,) Special Education (IEP).
Downloadable Forms:These forms are also available at the enrollment office. All other needed forms will be sent out after registration has been completed.
Free & Reduced Lunch Application (English)
Free & Reduced Lunch Application (Spanish)
PreK4 Parents: MUST READ
In order to help serve our community better Woodward Public Schools is now working in collaboration with the Big Five Head Start Program. We are requiring Prek4 parents to fill out the applications for Woodward Public Schools and the Big Five Application. If your child qualifies for services through Big Five you will be contacted by Big Five for additional information to begin services.
Head Start English Application
Head Start Spanish Application
Thank you for your assistance as we begin this journey with the Big Five.
2024-2025 School Year
Click link below
1st – 12th Grade Registration